Core Components of Data Center Infrastructure and Facilities

Park Place Hardware Maintenance

Jordan MacPherson November 29, 2021
Jump-to Outline
What Is Data Center Infrastructure?
Data Center Facility Infrastructure Is More Than IT
What Is Data Center Infrastructure Management?
Types of Data Center Components
存储 Infrastructure Data Center Components
Server Infrastructure Data Center Components
Network Infrastructure Data Center Components
Types of Data Center Facilities

数据中心基础设施是互联网的支柱,包括无数品牌和型号的硬件和相关机器. 本文将使被认为是数据中心基础设施核心元素的计算和非计算资源变得清晰.

man performing data center infrastructure management

What Is Data Center Infrastructure?

数据中心基础设施由数据中心内的物理元素组成. 在本质上, 数据中心物理基础设施可以分为IT硬件和支持硬件(如冷却和空气质量系统).

大多数人都知道数据中心IT基础设施,如Services器和数据存储组件, but there are critical non-computing elements as well.
如果供应链问题已经影响到您的IT操作,并且您需要购买存储, Services器, or networking hardware, 我们可以帮忙! 我们提供 data center hardware sales through our business unit, Curvature. We carry new and preowned inventory around the world, so your products ship in days, not months. 十大赌博平台排行榜,看看我们如何能得到你需要的IT设备,快速!

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Data Center Facility Infrastructure Is More Than IT

In addition to IT-related systems, 用于供电和冷却的数据中心元件对操作也至关重要.

一致的电源是维护数据中心正常运行时间的关键部分. Data centers generally tap into the municipal electrical grid, 大多数甚至包含某种类型的电力故障转移和备用电源.

数据中心操作的物理组件也往往会产生大量的热量. 数据中心内用于温度和湿度调节的冷却系统是必备的. In the rare event that cooling systems experience a critical failure, fire suppression systems are also present.

What Is Data Center Infrastructure Management?

Data center infrastructure management (DCIM) 是一个结合了数据中心运维和IT的系统,可以应用于数据中心的最佳性能. DCIM uses discovery, 监控, 报告, 可视化可以帮助数据中心运营经理控制数据中心的物理元素.

数据中心基础设施管理可以通过以下方式部分或全部应用 Third Party Maintenance, Managed Service Providers, or DCIM software.

Types of Data Center Components

我们已经建立了容纳数据中心IT基础设施和环境基础设施(冷却)的设施, 权力, 等.), but for the purposes of this article, we consider the core elements to be storage, Services器, and network hardware.

存储 Infrastructure Data Center Components

存储基础设施指的是IT存储组件,如网络附加存储(NAS)。, direct attached storage (DAS), solid state drive (SSD) flash arrays, 磁带存储, 等. 流行的存储设备品牌包括惠普、戴尔、EMC、NetApp和IBM等.

Contact Park Place Technologies today for a quote on storage maintenance and support.

Server Infrastructure Data Center Components

Services器基础设施是指用于存放数据和应用程序的机架、刀片和塔式Services器. Services器也可以是物理机器中完全虚拟化的环境, 但是,由于这些组件不是物理基础设施,因此不包括在本文中解释的数据中心组件中.

For a quote on Services器 maintenance and support 与您的数据中心签订合同,请立即联系Park Place Technologies!

Network Infrastructure Data Center Components

Network infrastructure consists of hardware like routers, 开关, security appliances and firewalls. 这些数据中心资产对于连接和集成不同的数据中心硬件系统至关重要. 受欢迎的品牌包括思科、博科、瞻博网络、F5网络等.

data center infrastructure components

Whether you need to buy network equipment, or you’re looking for network support and maintenance on your existing equipment – Park Place Technologies can help!

Types of Data Center Facilities


  • Enterprise Data Center Facilities -这些是由单一组织直接拥有和经营的传统组织设施. 它们通常位于现场,由内部团队负责维护, IT deployments, hardware upgrades, and network 监控.
  • Colocation Data Centers -这些包括共享的数据中心空间,组织可以在其中租用Services器和其他硬件空间. The benefits of colocation vs. in-house data centers are that the facility provides the building, 权力, 暖通空调, internet bandwidth, and physical security, while you (the customer) must supply and maintain the hardware.
  • Managed Data Center – In a managed service data center arrangement, a company leases the physical infrastructure, 第三方托管十大赌博正规老平台提供商管理硬件和设施. 今天联系ParkView科技公司,了解更多关于ParkView的信息,我们的全套 data center infrastructure managed services.
  • Cloud Data Center -近年来,这种类型的数据中心结构变得越来越流行. 云数据中心是企业可以通过互联网访问的外部设施, 尽管您不需要负责维护相关的基础设施.


When it comes to future-proofing your data center, 保持领先的数字基础设施支持提供商在您身边是有意义的. One of our chief aims if for you to have uptime all the time, 我们试图通过提供一整套基础设施管理十大赌博正规老平台来实现这一目标, global hardware maintenance, data center professional services, hardware sales, and infrastructure 监控 software.

Contact us today to learn how we can support your data center needs.


About the Author

Jordan MacPherson,
Jordan负责指导Park Place的ParkView管理十大赌博正规老平台部门的全球网络和Services器管理产品. 他的职责包括与销售、市场营销、企业运营和R部门合作&D团队开发并向市场推广公园广场的世界级管理十大赌博正规老平台. He brings 12 years of global experience in planning, 监控, and delivering IT 十大赌博正规老平台, 包括在MSP IntelliNet被Park Place收购之前担任近10年的团队领导和战略应用开发人员. Jordan is a graduate of Ohio University.