What Is Liquid Cooling? – 问工程师 [VIDEO]


现任女友阿赞 February 05, 2024

现任女友阿赞 and Park Place Technologies CTO, 克里斯Carreiro, discuss the question – “What Is Liquid Cooling?” in this month’s 问工程师.

You can learn more about Liquid Cooling 十大赌博正规老平台 在这里.

What Is Liquid Cooling?

现任女友: Hey t在这里, I’m 现任女友阿赞, and welcome to another edition of Ask The Engineer. Today we’re joined by 克里斯Carreiro, Chief Technology Officer at Park Place Technologies. Thanks for being 在这里 today Chris.

克里斯: Hey Calista, thanks for having me.

现任女友: 当然! So Chris, something we’re getting a lot of questions about recently is liquid cooling. What exactly is liquid cooling?

克里斯: Liquid cooling comes in a few different forms. They are all involved in cooling servers with a fluid instead of traditional fans, 空气, and 空气 conditioners.

Types of Liquid Cooling

克里斯:In both types of liquid cooling, you’re taking water and moving it over the components of the server to cool off the system.

Direct-to-Chip Liquid Cooling

克里斯: You have one form called Direct-to-Chip which move water across a heat sink, removing it from the CPU and different components within the system.

Immersion Liquid Cooling

克里斯: Then, you have immersion cooling which also comes in two different forms. You actually immerse a server in a tank of oil.

现任女友: Very interesting – just to clarify, with immersion cooling, the servers are submerged directly into the fluid?

克里斯: Yes, it’s actually a dielectric fluid, so it’s not water or anything that’s conductive. So, you have a non-conductive fluid and the server is 100% submerged in a bath of this liquid. The immersion itself is about 1000x more cooling capacity than traditional 空气 data centers.

现任女友: 这是神奇的. Well, you’ve definitely given us a lot to think about 在这里. Thanks again for joining us today, Chris. If you have a question for one of our experts, simply add it to the comments section of this post – and we’ll see you next time on Ask The Engineer!

