Tait Communications Chooses Entuity to Monitor Managed Services Infrastructure


Tait Communications is a global leader in designing, 交付, and managing innovative communications solutions. Founded in 1969 by Sir Angus Tait in Christchurch, 新西兰, Tait has regional offices in Australia, UK, 巴西, 和美国. 最近, 该公司开始提供管理Services解决方案,以进一步支持客户运行关键任务网络,用于公共安全Services和公用事业. With its highly flexible architecture and enterprise class features such as multi-tenancy, Entuity帮助Tait在不增加员工的情况下确保全天候可用性和新客户的快速入职. 除了, Entuity与BMC TrueSight Operations Management和BMC Remedy无缝集成,实现端到端的IT管理和及时, high quality service management.


  • Customer Size: Two data centers—Houston, USA; Christchurch, 新西兰
  • Network Management Software: Entuity network management for BMC TrueSight Operations Management
  • Other Integrations: BMC Remedy
  • Specialized Features: IP SLA, QoS, Multi-tenancy

Tait Communications is all about smart, practical, and secure delivery. With 客户 in critical and high risk environments requiring safe, 快, and smart solutions that work all the time—public safety, 公用事业公司, 开采石油和天然气, and transportation—Tait has the skills, 规模, and scope to manage and deliver on a variety of solutions to best suit 客户’ needs.

With a global network of trusted partners and dealers, Tait works with 客户 to manage existing systems and support their move to future products, Services, 和应用程序.

Tait Communications corporate headquarters

From their strong position as innovators in radio communication technology, Tait realized that their 客户 required a way to manage these increasingly complex, vital networks to ensure 24/7 availability.

公共安全机构和公用事业公司发现,管理关键通信无线电网络所需的技能和工具的复杂性已成为一项重大干扰,使它们偏离了提供公共安全Services或公用事业的核心活动. 它创造了它的管理
service solutions to respond to this challenge.

An Open Slate—Creating a State of the Art MSP
Tait在新西兰的管理Services团队被委托设计和实现新的管理Services解决方案. This included selecting software to manage their 客户’ networks, providing the necessary processes to maximize system performance and reliability, and adding value to their 客户’ investment in Tait’s communications solutions. “Tait现在可以通过为客户提供无线电管理,使事情变得更简单,马特·惠特克说道, Service Management Centre Senior Engineer.

After a comprehensive evaluation, Tait选择了Entuity网络管理来管理托管Services解决方案的网络基础设施.

为什么选择Entuity? 是什么让他们与众不同?
As you might expect, network outages present extreme hazards for Tait’s 客户. 如果发生化学物质泄漏,由于私人移动网络瘫痪,危险无法传达给公众,该怎么办? 因此,同样重要的是,Tait的托管Services始终可用来监视系统问题.

Entuity灵活的体系结构使Tait能够跨两个Services管理中心(数据中心)应用并遵循相同的交叉整合模型,以支持业务连续性和灾难恢复计划. 此策略可确保每个Services管理中心在出现中断时都能独立运行, or be covered by other centers should there be a need to evacuate.

Tait在其MSP平台中需要的另一个特性是支持安全的多租户环境. 划分和单独管理客户网络的能力是Tait的一个关键要求. Entuity的Network Management架构可以处理多租户,而不需要增加复杂性,也不需要额外的硬件或IT人员. entity允许Tait通过在多个Services器上有效地分离客户进行单独管理来支持客户, 同时还能够在单个中央控制台视图上一起管理这些客户网络,该视图标识网络属于哪个Services器/客户. This greatly improves operational efficiency.

As Tait’s managed Services business expands, 他们需要在不增加员工和额外管理成本的情况下迅速吸引新客户. Entuity很容易扩展以适应各种规模的企业网络,并且不需要大量的IT人员来实现. Tait发现,使用虚拟化的轮询器可以让他们非常有效地扩展,并将信息聚合到单个窗格中,以方便管理.

Lastly, Tait wanted an integrated solution with the BMC tool suite. Entuity有效地处理基础设施的实时监控,并将数据反馈给BMC TrueSight运营管理,主动发现并自动解决性能问题. 另外, 泰特在全球的支持中心将BMC Remedy与Entuity集成在一起,以实现准确及时的Services管理. “We were looking for a set of best in class tools and we have found it with this platform,史蒂夫·金斯顿说道, Tait Managed Services Development Manager.

Since using Entuity in concert with BMC TrueSight Operations Management, 我们已经能够提供端到端的定制解决方案,以满足客户的个性化需求.
——马特·惠特克, Service Management Centre Senior Engineer, Tait Communications

When it comes to managing a mission critical network, outages simply are not acceptable. Tait已经成功地设计了一个集成的MSP平台,以支持其客户的永远在线网络.

With Entuity network management in place, 泰特的MSP解决方案确保其整个独特的信息和通信技术环境得到管理. 例如, 无线电天线系统和无线电基站是台湾客户专用移动网络的关键要素,可以完全监控和管理. 这最大限度地减少了预防性维护成本,并允许公司避免前往山顶站点检查无线电塔的性能. 它还可以实现主动维护活动,以确保无线电系统继续按照设计运行.

充分利用Entuity的众多功能,为Tait提供了最初并不明显的功能. 例如, the IP SLA capability allows Tait to monitor the quality of the voice traffic between radio sites. 这使得可以控制延迟和抖动,以确保紧急通信的良好语音质量.

Managing customer networks is an evolving process for Tait as they add new devices and Services. In this respect, Entuity Support has proven to be a valuable partner in creating this new division.
“Since using Entuity in concert with BMC TrueSight Operations Management, 我们已经能够提供端到端的定制解决方案,以满足客户的个性化需求,惠特克说. “Entuity monitors the network in real time, 通过让客户深入了解网络上正在发生的事情,这使我们能够将客户满意度保持在较高水平. 我们对Entuity的能力印象深刻,并相信其精心设计的架构非常适合我们的商业模式.”

The future looks bright for Tait Managed Services, 哪一家能够延续长期以来的传统,支持他们的客户保持电力供应, 城市前进, 社区安全.

Entuity monitors the network in real time, 通过让客户深入了解网络上正在发生的事情,这使我们能够将客户满意度保持在较高水平. 我们对Entuity的能力印象深刻,并相信其精心设计的架构非常适合我们的商业模式.
——马特·惠特克, Service Management Centre Senior Engineer, Tait Communications

Embracing the digital worldview, Entuity provides digital network analytics for the changing enterprise. 我们的高度自动化, 统一, enterprise-class solution puts deep network insight at your fingertips, frees IT staff to focus on strategic projects, and easily integrates with major framework environments. Entuity’s support and Services teams are frequently praised for their rapid response, networking expertise and involvement in special engagements.